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In Person 1:1 sessions 

Gentle, non invasive muscle  testing provides a wealth of insight and gives clarity on even the most complex or 'mystery' cases. Each session is different, depending on what your presenting symptoms are: but each session you will receive muscle testing, a hands on lymphatic massage and a personal healthcare plan.


Kinesiology draws on the wisdom of Chinese Medicine and the body own responses to access a deep understanding of the individuals health picture.



 Kinesiology sessions provide a person with a deeper connection to, and understanding of their own body, replacing fear of their symptoms with a new found compassion and sense of empowerment through knowledge. You will leave feeling grounded, refreshed and reconnected to your body, and with a health plan to implement for renewed vitality & wellbeing.


Clinics in Cardiff & London



These sessions form part of the 6 month program. .

Bio Me Health Regeneration Coaching - 6 months

My aim is for you to find joy in your (bespoke) healthy lifestyle!

Thorough, individual, holistic. Completely individualised health guidance from the get go - empowering you with the confidence & knowledge to regenerate your own health.

 Epigenetics led - your environment (emotions, lifestyle , mindset, toxin exposure, diet etc) are a key element in this process.

You receive:

Full Health Assessment (in person or remote consult)

Personalised Health Care Plan inc supplementation protocol 

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis 

Energy Coherence Audio

Emotional Freedom Technique to support overwhelm/ addiction/cravings etc 

2 x 1:1 session per month (remote or in person)

Recipes / Meal Plan Support based On Your Preferences & Dietary Needs

Trouble shooting support

6 month access to The Hive  for valuable sharing of wisdom and experience drawn from others' journeys.

We retest regularly in order to ensure that the health plan is the most appropriate for you at each step. 



3 or 6 month packages available


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